$$Follow the Money$$
March 4 - March 6, 2020
Florida State Fire College, Ocala, FL
FACAP Member Non FACAP Member Public Service
$175.00 $250.00 $50.00
Not a FACAP Member? - Join now and receive a discounted seminar rate.
2020 Nominations Committee Report Posted 2-2-2020
Several new classes and instructors for this year's seminar. Come join us in for a seminar that is much more than education - Networking, hands on training, world renowned experts, live demonstrations
We are offering the 5 hour Adjuster Ethics Class
Electrical Fire Investigations
Live Burns
Claim handling and the arson fire
Case Law and NFPA 921 Updates
Something for both the public and private sector
17 Adjuster CE's are available including the 5 hour adjuster ethics class.
17 Attorney CLE Credits approved, including 5 ethics CLE's. Course Number is 2001181N.

Annual Training Seminar

Demonstration at our annual seminar

Live burns are conducted at our annual seminar. Visit our upcoming training page.

Annual Training Seminar

Since 1989, the Florida Advisory Committee on Arson Prevention has sponsored FACAP’s Investigator of the Year Award to honor those individuals whose efforts have contributed to the suppression of arson in the State of Florida.
In 2015, FACAP’s Board of Directors determined that, starting in the year 2016, two (2) separate Investigator of the Year Awards would be presented by FACAP at its annual Arson Seminar.
One award each, for those working in the Public Sector (i.e., fire service and/or law enforcement) and for those working in the Private Sector (i.e., insurance adjuster/ investigator, independent Fire O&C, analysis, etc.)
FACAP is currently soliciting nominations for potential recipients of these awards to be presented at its next annual arson seminar. These awards (Investigator of the Year, Private Sector and Public Sector) will be presented to an individual who’s dedication, service, investigation, and work product, has resulted in an direct impact on Florida’s citizens and insurance policy holders, through their efforts, skills and dedication in combating the crime of arson. To make a nomination please complete the nomination form and email to Bill Watson.
Click To Submit Your Nomination

Courtyard Marriott - $96.00
3712 SW 38th Avenue, Ocala, FL 34474
(352) 237-8000 (Mention FACAP)

Each year FACAP is provides a limited number of scholarships.
The scholarship is available only to those individuals employed in public fire service, law enforcement or criminal prosecution. Scholarships include housing in the dormitory at the Fire College, meals at the Fire College cafeteria, the registration fee and all materials.

Our seminar sponsors and exhibitors allow FACAP to offer a large number of scholarships to public sector employees who would other wise not be able to attend the FACAP Seminar.
If you have a service or product that you would like to promote we invite you to become an exhibitor at our annual seminar. Spaces are limited and are granted on a first come basis.
Interested in assisting with sponsorship? Sponsors will be posted throughout the seminar and on the website.

2020 Seminar Exhibitors
2020 Seminar Sponsors